Shapiro will tax you even more

JUL 25,2022
Shapiro WILL reattempt the past HUGE Wolf tax proposals.
Wolf proposed or supported 14 tax hike proposals - 12 were stopped.
Wolf’s proposals contained 52 individual tax increases.
IF Wolf’s first and most expansive tax proposal had come to fruition,
PA taxpayers would have paid an additional $30 billion over eight years1
What WOULD Wolf's very first tax proposal have meant
to the average Chester County PA tax filer?
Answer: without Republicans rejecting Wolf's huge tax proposals, the average Chester County taxpayer would have paid approx. $10,000 more PA taxes over Wolf's term
See full details
Link> https://www.commonwealthfoundation.org/research/gov-tom-wolf-tax-hike-proposals
Link> https://www.revenue.pa.gov/News%20and%20Statistics/ReportsStats/PIT/Pages/default.aspx